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21 Tips to Improve Your Overall Wellness

As women, we are often so busy taking care of everyone else that we forget to take care of ourselves. It's difficult to pour into the lives of others if our own cup is constantly near empty.

Here are 21 tips you can incorporate to improve your overall wellness.

1. Establish Priorities

More often than not, misaligned priorities cause us stress, anxiety and guilt. With so many things screaming for our attention it's easy to get caught up in the Too Much Syndrome:

  • Too much to do

  • Too many commitments

  • Too many possessions

Priorities are the things that are important to us. They consist of needs and wants.

Needs such as paying the bills, completing household chores and going to work are non-negotiable priorities. They have to be done by you or delegated to someone else.

Wants are those things that bring you fulfillment, joy and peace. These can consist of exercising, eating healthy, Bible study, worship, family and friends.

Taking the time to do priority assessment can help you see what things you have placed as priorities in your life, determine what is most important and bring to light adjustments that need to be made. Here is a Bible Study you can download to help you establish your priorities.

2. Develop a Routine

We are creatures of habit. We allow factors in our environment to form our routines and they can either serve us or we serve them.

When we have our priorities established, we are able to create routines that serve us and honor our priorities. Routines help us stay on top of what needs to be done and ensure we make time for the things that really matter to us.

What does your routine look like today? Is it bringing you peace and fulfillment or stress and chaos?

Take the time to develop your time management plan and create a routine that honors your priorities.

3. Journal

Journaling can be one of your best wellness tools. It offers a wide array of benefits, including:

  • Reduces stress

  • Boosts health

  • Improves mood

  • Relieves anxiety

  • Increases sense of well-being

  • Promotes positivity

  • Helps to determine your next steps

  • Promotes emotional healing

  • Allows for creativity

  • Reduces mental clutter

It's easy and doesn't require any special tools... Just paper and something to write with!

You can keep it simple with a pad of paper or choose a bound journal with a pretty cover or verse on the front. You can even journal right in your Bible!

Some journals even include journaling prompts to help you with ideas.

The possibilities are endless!

4. Manage Stress

Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter changes in life.

Occasional stress is a normal coping mechanism; however, long-term stress can contribute to or worsen health problems such as digestive issues, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, weakened immune system, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

We all experience stress to some degree. It's a normal part of life. And stress isn't just caused by unpleasant things in life, like high-pressure jobs, financial difficulties and challenging relationships. Happy events such as a move, wedding or birth of a child all cause stress. It's how we handle stress that is important.

There are many tips and techniques to help manage stress. Here are a few to help you get started:

  • Deep breathing. Take in long slow breaths and exhale slowly. Repeat at least 3 times.

  • Accept there are things you cannot control.

  • Pray and cast your burdens unto the Lord.

  • Learn to manage your time effectively.

  • Say no to requests that can add more stress to your life.

  • Make time for the things you love, such as hobbies and self-care.

  • Participate in exercise classes that promote stretching and relaxation, such as WholyFit®.

5. Take a Digital Detox

Let's face it. We all benefit from digital technologies such as the internet, email, texting and social media. It helps us gather information, learn about things of interest to us, and keeps us connected to family and friends. When used responsibly, it can serve us.

However, I find it interesting that those who participate in these digital technologies are called USERS. And with that term in mind, it's easy to see how we can fall into a trap where technology no longer serves us, but we are serving it. (Think of how a drug addiction can control the drug user.)

You might need a digital detox if you find yourself:

  • Getting upset over the news and dwelling on it to the point it affects your sleep

  • Experiencing anxiety or anger because of what you read on social media

  • Having to have your phone with you at all times

  • Repeatedly or constantly checking social media, email and text messages even when engaged in another activity

  • Experiencing FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) if you don't stay connected

  • Neglecting other responsibilities

Here are a few tips to help you get control over your technology use:

  • Keep a daily log of how much you use technology. Do this for 1-3 days to see patterns you have developed. Most smart phones will tell you the time you spend on your device.

  • Set limits. Minutes per day, times of day, no devices at the table or in bed, one day of a week without technology, etc.

  • Set boundaries. Keep your phone on the kitchen counter, not with you, leave it home when you go somewhere, put it out of sight when with family and friends, don't keep it in your bedroom, etc.

  • Turn off notifications.

  • Use your device purposefully. Have a reason to be on it instead of mindlessly using it (there's that word again!)

Participate in a digital detox. Your mind and body will thank you!

6. Be in Nature

Take a step outside and you will instantly feel different. Being in nature has many benefits, especially when combined with an activity such as walking or biking.

And, when it comes to mental wellness, it may just be one of God's best medicines. Just 20-30 minutes a day can:

  • Improve concentration

  • Increase your activity levels

  • Release endorphins (feel good hormones)

  • Improve your mood

  • Increase your sense of well-being

  • Improve heart health

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Boost your immune system

  • Reduce stress

  • Reduce mental fatigue

  • Reduce anxiety

Plus, regular exposure to sunshine gives your body natural Vitamin D.

So, get outside every day!

7. Exercise Regularly

As we age, our bodies change. (Um, duh, right?) Bodies that are 50 years old can't necessarily do the same things as a 20-year-old body. But, that doesn't mean that exercising is less important at 50. In fact, exercising is key to being healthy and living a long, vibrant life!

  • Exercising builds muscle mass which we lose as we age.

  • Building muscle helps to increase our metabolism, which slows as we age.

  • Exercising helps stop, reverse and prevent serious illnesses like heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

  • Exercise helps with mental clarity and improves our mood.

How much and how often should you exercise?

Shoot for 150 minutes a week spread out over at least 3 days (50 minutes each day).

What types of exercise should you do?

  1. Moderate Cardio - Improves heart health. Consider walking, jogging, biking, swimming.

  2. Strength Training - Builds muscle and strengthens bones. Exercise should work the muscles in your back, hips, legs, abs, chest, shoulders and arms.

  3. Stretching and Stability - Stretching improves flexibility, relieves muscle tension and pain, and reduces stress. Stability strengthens the core and helps prevent falls and injuries.

Participating in organized exercise classes such as PraiseMoves® increases the likelihood that you will be consistent with your exercise program.

Consider other activities such as gardening, golfing, playing with your children or grandchildren, visiting museums and new locations to explore to add more activity into your lifestyle.

8. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep plays an important role in our health. It allows the body to recover from life's demands and allows us to awake refreshed and rejuvenated.

As mature women, we need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. However, 1 in 3 adults report getting less than 7 hours of sleep at night.

  • 76% of women over 40 get up to go to the bathroom at night (surprise!)

  • 78% of people say they are more excited to go to bed when they have fresh smelling sheets (yes, please!)

  • Women have a 40% higher rate of insomnia than men

  • On average, we spend 2 hours per night dreaming

There are definitely things we can do to improve our sleep quantity and quality.

  1. Exercise Regularly (but not high intensity before bed)

  2. Turn Off Technology (put screens to bed an hour before yourself)

  3. Read or Listen to Music (instead of TV time)

  4. Eat Lighter Dinners (3 hours before bedtime, eliminate snacking)

  5. Hydrate Throughout the Day (so you're not so thirsty at night)

  6. Establish a Bedtime Routine

  7. Create a Soothing Bedroom Environment

  8. Avoid Caffeine (at least 4 hours before bedtime)

  9. Keep a Notepad by Your Bed (to jot down things that are on your mind and keeping you awake)

  10. Pray (take your cares to the Lord, thank Him for your blessings)

9. Practice Gentle Nutrition

Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) hardly resembles food at all. Overly processed foods, sugars, fats, unrecognizable ingredients comprise most people's diets. This is SAD indeed and is actually contributing to anxiety and depression as well as a host of other physical illnesses.

Research shows that our gastrointestinal system (GUT) and brains are closely connected. The gut sends chemicals to the brain that regulates sleep, pain, mood, appetite and emotion.

What foods are best for mental and physical health? One full of:

  • Fruits and Vegetables

  • Whole Grains

  • Beans and Legumes

  • Nuts and Seeds

  • Berries

  • Herbs and Spices

Separate fact from fad.

Fad diets are harmful, and yo-yo dieting (going from one diet to another looking for the one that will 'stick this time') actually worsens your health! Learn to listen to your body's God-given signals for when, what and how much to eat. And practice gentle nutrition which means eating as close to the earth as you can.

10. Stay Hydrated

Water is essential to good health. It's your body's principal chemical component and makes up 50% - 70% of your body weight. Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue and organ of your body needs water to work properly.

A few fun facts about water:

  • It is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up 50-70% of your body weight

  • Every cell, organ and tissue in your body needs water to work properly

  • It gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements

  • Keeps your temperature normal

  • Lubricates and cushions your joints

  • Protects sensitive tissues

  • Lack of it causes dehydration, and even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired

  • You know if you’re getting enough if you rarely are thirsty and your urine is colorless or light yellow

  • You need 6-8 cups a day to function properly, more if you are active and if your environment is hot. Shoot for a minimum of eight 8 oz glasses.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration — a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.

You should shoot for 8 eight-ounce glasses per day, but based on your lifestyle you may need more.

11. Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Study upon study shows the benefits of drinking tea.

But what is it about tea that makes it so good for you?

The tea plant (a shrub known as Camellia sinensis) contains polyphenols which are antioxidants, antivirals and anti-inflammatories. It also contains ingredients that stimulate dopamine and serotonin receptors.

Green tea is the least oxidized tea and packs the biggest health punch.

Green tea:

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Fights inflammation

  • Promotes cardiovascular health

  • Prevents certain cancers

  • Increases alertness

  • Boosts energy

  • Reduces cognitive decline

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Improves memory

There are many other teas and herbal teas that offer additional health benefits. Some herbal teas are combined with green or black tea to make a power-packed health boost.

12. Pray Daily

Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thes 5:16-18

God commands it.

Jesus taught it.

We need it.

Prayer is our communication with the Triune God. The Holy Spirit leads and guides our prayers. Jesus allows us to go directly to the Father through His death and resurrection, and the Father promises to hear and answer us.

It is a special gift and privilege we have to commune with God. We cast our cares upon Him, trusting Him to provide for our needs. We give Him our worries and doubts, knowing He will lead and protect us. We give Him thanks for all His amazing gifts which grow gratitude in our hearts. We lift up the needs of others which helps to keep our own needs and situations in perspective.

Don't be intimidated to pray. God wants to hear from you. He wants to care for you. Jesus gave us the perfect example in the Lord's Prayer. Here is an acronym to guide you in prayer:


  • Adoration (for who God is and what He does)

  • Confession (telling God your sins and struggles)

  • Thanksgiving (give Him thanks and praise for His forgiveness and blessings)

  • Supplication (offer up petitions/requests on behalf of yourself and others)

There are many tools to assist you in your prayer life. But the only one you need is a mind and heart focused on the Lord. The Spirit will guide you.

13. Take Breaks to Rest

In our fast-paced culture, it's hard to allow ourselves time to rest. You may have too many things on your plate which allows no time to rest. You may have time to rest but find ways to fill the extra space in your life with things to keep your mind occupied and your body busy. Or you may have fallen for the lie that to rest means that you are lazy.

Even Jesus departed from the crowds and rested. God Himself rested on the 7th day of creation. He also commanded a Sabbath Day of rest for His people. Resting is a BIG DEAL!

How can you enter into periods of rest in your own life?

  • Include rest as part of your daily routine

  • Schedule intermittent breaks in your day to rest by stretching, walking outside or just laying down on the couch or floor for 5-10 minutes

  • Read your Bible. Jesus says to come to Him, all who labor and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest. He gives us His peace.

  • Attend church

  • Attend a retreat

  • Participate in a relaxation class such like a Christian alternative to yoga

  • Read

  • Practice deep breathing

  • Sit quietly and close your eyes

  • Journal your thoughts and what you are thankful for

The ideas really are endless. What helps you to rest throughout your day? Do more of it!

14. Develop Healthy Mindsets

The mind is a powerful thing. It is the most influential thing we have when it comes to mental wellness because we are in a constant conversation with ourselves. It influences how we think, speak and act.

The Bible says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

Our minds are transformed by the power of God's Word.

And His Word says:

  1. You are His child. (1 John 3:1)

  2. You are forgiven and redeemed. (Col 1:13-14)

  3. You are not condemned (Rom 8:1)

  4. Nothing can separate you from His love (Rom 8:38-39)

You are now free to develop healthy mindsets based on these truths.

Such as:

  • I have purpose

  • I believe health is essential

  • I believe I can heal

  • I am adaptable to change

  • I own my habits

  • I value progress over perfection

  • I am committed

  • I believe setbacks are opportunities to learn

  • I trust the process

  • I am worth it

And sometimes, you have to rely on Him to help you un-believe the lies that you have believed for far too long. Lies that came from family and friends. Lies you’ve told yourself. Lies straight from the devil himself.

15. Declutter Your Home

Take a look around your home. Walk through the rooms and open the closets. How does the environment you see make you feel? Calm and happy or irritated and stressed?

In our consumer-driven world it's easy to give in to the 'more is more' mentality... More furniture, more decor, more gadgets, more clothes, more this, more that... until we find that MORE has overtaken our lives!

Here are some fun facts for you:

  • We have an average of 300,000 items that we own

  • The average home size has tripled since 1970

  • 1 in 10 Americans rent offsite storage

  • Most homes have more TV sets than people

  • Home organization is an $8 Billion industry

  • We spend 153 days of our life looking for misplaced things

We spend so much time and energy on our stuff. We have to take care of it, clean it, move it, store it, fix it and look at it. It causes us stress and anxiety and we don't even realize it!

In fact, instead of decluttering, we need to de-OWN!

There are lots of ways to declutter your home. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Grab 4 bins. Label them Keep, Donate, Relocate, Toss. Start with one room or closet and put every item into one of the bins. EVERY ITEM!

  • Start with just 5 minutes and go from there

  • Grab a big bag and fill it as quickly as possible with things you can donate to charity

  • Give away or throw away 1 item every day

  • Eliminate things that are just taking up space and that doesn't add to your life

  • Start a decluttering challenge with your friends

  • Don't bring more stuff into your home!

Eliminate excess stuff and you will eliminate stress, anxiety and wasting money.

16. Do Something You Love

For many of us, our lives are filled with doing things we have to do, and little time is spent doing things we truly love to do.

Participating in hobbies and activities that bring us joy also improves our mental well-being, reduces stress, decreases anxiety and depression and improves our social connectedness.

What hobbies and activities do you enjoy?

Who do you enjoy spending time with and what do you do together?

Here are a few tips to help you find time for things you enjoy:

  • Find a few hours each week or month for your hobby/activity. You may not have the bandwidth to do it every day, so focus on a larger time frame.

  • Look at your priorities. Is your hobby one of them?

  • Say no to extra non-essential things that will get in the way

  • Schedule time for your hobby with other friends. Not only will this be a commitment on your calendar, but you will enjoy it even more with friends!

  • Take little breaks throughout your day to enjoy the things you love, like a walk outside, listening to music, coloring, or reading a chapter in a book

17. Practice Self-Care

As women, and in particular, as mothers, we have spent the majority of our lives taking care of others. Our husbands, children, grandchildren, aging parents and other family and friends who need us. One season of life flows into the next, each with its own set of needs and demands.

And who is the one person we put on the back burner? OURSELVES.

We say, "Oh, I'll start taking time for me next month" or "when the kids are older" or "when mom gets through this next procedure" or ______.

Months turn into years and years into seasons and seasons into decades.

In what areas have you been neglecting yourself? Do you feel mentally drained? Emotionally exhausted? Physically tired? Do you feel like you are on autopilot, just hoping to get through the day?

You, my beautiful sister, are in need of some self-care!

You may not even know what to do for yourself. Here are some things you can do today!

  • Take a bath (not a shower)

  • Give yourself a pedicure (or go get one done)

  • Light a candle and put on some relaxing music

  • Enjoy a cup of herbal tea

  • Go for a walk in the park

  • Read your Bible

  • Put fresh sheets on your bed

  • Wash your face and moisturize

  • Participate in a stretching and relaxation class

  • Put lotion on your hands and feet

  • Enjoy some aromatherapy

  • Sing and dance in the kitchen

These are simple things you can do every day.

Look for opportunities to participate in retreats and day workshops that focus on wellness and health. Bring a friend to join you.

18. Practice Forgiveness

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph 4:32

Forgiveness can be a difficult thing. When we are hurt by others, our sinful self wants justification. We want others to own up to their mistakes, to suffer consequences for them, to make things right.

And sometimes, that will happen. But many times, it will not. But regardless of whether the person is sorry or not, we are commanded to forgive.

What is forgiveness?

To forgive someone is to release them from their obligation, to let go of the debt they owe you for what was done, and to release the act of justice to God. It may or may not lead to reconciliation.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to forgive others, just as in Christ God has forgiven us.

Holding on to anger, resentment, hurt and all those other hosts of negative emotions wreaks havoc on our mental, physical and spiritual health. When we forgive others, we cast off these burdens, we let them go and give them to God who is able to carry them. He alone is judge and will provide justice (Rom 12:19)

19. Spend Quality Time with Those You Love

In the age of social media, we are more "connected" than ever, however, we are becoming less "social" and more withdrawn. Studies have shown that social media can cause feelings of loneliness, dissatisfaction with life, fear of missing out, depression and anxiety.

While social media can help us keep in contact with others, it is no replacement for in-person connectedness.

We are meant to do this life together. God created us to be in community together, to meet together and to enjoy time together. He wants us to exhort one another, encourage one another and build each other up.

We need hugs and laughter and deep conversations and body language and voices and comfort and relationship. A screen doesn't come close.

Put down the device, get in the car and go be with those you love.

20. Practice Deep Breathing

You've heard the expression, "Just take a deep breath". Well, it's more than just a nice expression, it actually provides health benefits such as

  • assisting with relaxation

  • lowering heart rate

  • lowering blood pressure

  • reducing stress

Taking in long, deep breaths, and slowly exhaling are key aspects of deep breathing.

Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing is one breathing technique used for stress management and with exercise that focuses on relaxation and stress release.

And the wonderful thing about this technique is that you can do it anywhere at any time!

21. Develop New Skills and Engage in New Activities

Our minds like to be challenged. Learning something new gives us a sense of purpose. It helps us to build confidence and increases our sense of well-being.

As human beings, we are always learning and growing. We adapt to changes around us and develop strategies to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Developing new skills not only benefits yourself, but others around you. You are able to assist others who do not have the same skillset as you.

Engaging in new activities allows you to meet new people and increase your ability to be connected with others who share common interests. It gives you opportunities for adventure and excitement. All of this has a positive impact on your mental well-being.

Have you been wanting to take a painting class? Cooking class? Learn to sew? Scrapbook?

Have you heard about pickleball and want to give it a try? What about bowling? Gardening clubs? Volunteer work?

Start doing something new with a friend, or a group of new friends, and see the impact it makes on you and others.

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