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5 Tips to Create a Healthy Routine

Life is crazy! I get it!

You work, pay the bills, run errands, shop, cook, take care of your children or grandchildren, go to appointments, volunteer, clean the house and the list goes on and on. It can feel impossible to get everything done let alone take care of yourself.

By creating healthy routines, we organize our days in such a way that we establish habits and patterns that allow us to not only tackle the to-do lists but take care of ourselves without losing our minds!

Here are some tips to help you get on the path to a healthy routine that aligns with your priorities.

1. Create a routine that works for you, not someone else.

You have unique responsibilities, schedules and priorities. Everyone’s life is different. You have to find what works for you and not compare yourself to “Suzy who appears to be successful” and think you have to do the same things as her. There is no one-size-fits-all routine. In fact, your routine may not even look the same from day to day; most women’s routines don’t.

But a healthy routine should incorporate the following:

  • A nutritious, health-promoting diet

  • A consistent exercise plan

  • Time spent with God and in His Word

  • Adequate amounts of rest and sleep

  • Time spent enjoying the things and people you love

2. Small steps or jump all in

Are you someone who likes to test the waters? Do you like to make one change at a time, building one success upon another? Do you get stressed doing too much all at once? Or discouraged if you slip up and want to throw in the towel?

Or do you love to go big? Do you enjoy a challenge and feel good about tackling big projects? Do you embrace change and get energized by new things? Are you able to dust yourself off quickly when setbacks happen? Are you able to bounce back and get back on track?

Knowing your own personality can help determine how you should move forward.

If you relate to the first description, making small changes in one area at a time might suit you best. What action can you take each week that will improve your health? Can you start exercising? Meal planning? Get to bed earlier? Can you swap out herbal teas for pop? Replace sugary treats with fresh fruit? For you, adding in one new thing at a time will set up success after success and motivate you to keep pushing forward.

If you relate to the second description, a complete overhaul may be just what you need. Setting a schedule for regular exercise, meal planning and prepping healthy food excites you. You want to get rid of bad habits and replace them with ones that serve the healthy lifestyle you are trying to create. You want to feel better and know the best way to do that is to go all in. And slipping up now and then won’t discourage you.

Which one can you relate to? Maybe it’s a combination of the two. Again, you are unique. Make your routine work for you!

3. Swap out the old for the new

Exchange old habits that don’t serve your healthy lifestyle for ones that do.

  • Drink tea instead of pop

  • Exercise before dinner instead of checking social media

  • Read your Bible before bed instead of watching TV

  • Do a devotion in the morning instead of watching the news

  • Saute vegetables in water or vegetable broth instead of oil

  • Park further from the entrance to the store than up close

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Stretch when you are feeling tired instead of plopping down on the couch

  • Plan your meals instead of surf the internet

Where do you find yourself wasting the most time? What habits have you gotten comfortable with that work against living a healthy lifestyle? It’s time to change things up, my friend!

4. Create a plan

You know the saying…. “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” You have to have a plan in order to get where you want to go.

Once you’ve determined your health goals, your plan will determine what your routine looks like.

Do you want to eat healthier?

You’ll need to gather healthy recipes, meal plan and prep your food.

Do you want to lose weight?

You’ll need to decide how often you want to exercise and when.

Do you want to learn more about the Bible?

You’ll need to set aside time for church and Bible study.

You’ll also want to plan ahead for times when life gets hectic.

  • Prep meals ahead of time

  • Have the ingredients for 5 fast meals on hand that are healthy

  • Pick out tomorrow’s outfit the night before so you aren’t tempted to skip devotions or prayer time

  • Determine what you can do for 20 minutes in case you miss out on your exercise class

Planning helps us tackle what lies ahead. It helps us be proactive not reactive. Commit to being a planner!

5. Celebrate your successes

Reward yourself for reaching your goals, but also celebrate the success you have along the way.

If you only wait until you’ve achieved your bigger goal, you will miss out on the joy of the transformation as it takes place.

Share your goals with your friends. Update them as you reach milestones.

Treat yourself to a movie you’ve been wanting to see, or a new pair of shoes. Go to the new exhibit at the museum or spend time at the beach. Celebrate by yourself or include your friends that have been cheering you on.

Your healthy routine will not be established overnight. It will take planning and adjusting until you find the right balance for you and your unique life. But the steps you take today will become the foundations for health and wellness for years to come. And you will be inspiring others along the way.

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